Singapore Cricket Club |
After walking a distance, we finally arrived at the Singapore Cricket Club, the second oldest club in Singapore (Singapore Turf Club being the oldest by a decade)! Located at the heart of the city's civic centre along Connaught Drive, the club was established in 1852 and evolved over the years from being an elite colonial sports club to a multi-racial club catering to the sporting and social needs of the Singaporean community.
It says "No Entry" but... let's go check the place out!
Sadly, we were not allowed to enter the building as it was only open to members. Some of the members who were entering the club threw glances at us as we were loitering outside the club so we quickly took some pictures of its exterior and left.
During the Second World War, the Club was used by the Japanese as a Military Administration Department and a Japanese officers' tea-room. The Japanese named it Syonan-ko Tonan Club and set it as a venue for important meeting places.
Suggested Activity
Find out the criteria and eligibility for someone to join the Singapore Cricket Club.